byebye malaysia!!!HK here i come!!!XD
look at the cloud!!!yengness!!!XD
a moon in the noon?!
it take me sitting on the plane for 3 hr to reach HK....I sitting down a the chair until my si fat pain ah......and the toilet always full.....damn sien.....haiz......
when we reach down......i saw labrador retriever!!!those guard take them and try to search for drugs....but 1 thing sure is...i wont take drugs....cus say no to drugs...XD(lame)...dat day i really mad cus the stupid old lady keep on pushing me front....and say"jou la!!jou la!!"is like i really want to slap her or even say the F word 1 lo cus she is OLD LADY from china....those noun....she really pissing me off....deng....
fail to take the dog face....FAIL NO 1...T-T NO.2...T-T
wa....hui lao san!!!(sampat again)XD
i hear they say if u didn try hui lao san be4 dat means u didn come to HK be4.....but still the same....i didn after everthing we take our tour bus to hotel.On the way to hotel....HK nite view is better then malysia......cus everywhere is also lighten up 1....yengness!XD
the nite view of HK....but abit blur.....cus at the bus...
SIS:COACH!!!!(not me this time)XD
no learning?!
mou dak deng!!!XD
after our dinner.....later we rest at hotel...den my father and his friends ask for supper....but we only finish our dinner 2 hr only fast supper??but nvm....cus i manage to eat bao yu gai chok and yu gap....XD
bao yu kai chok!!!!hou sek la....XD...but mou lei dei fun...XD
yu kap ah!!!!also mou lei dei fun....XD
later i go and ta pao za leong and yau za guai.....long time didn eat adi...XD
haiz....HK....hou LENG AH!!!!XD
when back to hotel by abit early....but nvm.....because this is just the the next day is to guangzhou!!!but i still watch tv until 1.30 am only go sleep...XD
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